I'm not a middle of the road kinda gal. I take my time...worry...before I make a decision...but once I decide to do something...I'm a grab the bull by the horns kinda person...all or nothing...full throttle. When I was fat...I ate to excess...I never worked out. Now...I tend to workout in excess. My addiction didn't go away...it morphed into something else.
I push myself...hard...every day. I never slow down. I don't take the time I need to recover from the stress I put my body through daily. I feel like rest is for wimps...but I know that rest (in the right amount) is for smart people that don't want to injure and over train their bodies.
I have been feeling strong...making gains...but today I feel worn out...broken...used up. I tried to workout, but my body just wouldn't allow it. Still...it scares me not to workout, so I "compromised" with my body. I put away the heavy weight and decided on an easy 3 mile run. In the shape I'm in...there was nothing easy about it! It was awful and slow and extremely painful from start to finish. I'm glad that I did something because then I won't mentally beat myself up all day...but I really wish I could learn to listen to my body when it tells me to slow down...to take a rest.
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