I was still trying to finish my Dead Lifts when the 5:30 group was coming in. I was sweating because I was far enough along that I was lifting heavy. I said, "I'm sorry, J...but seriously...can I just turn this fan on for a few minutes until I'm done?" He grimaced, but I assumed he'd say "OK" and started walking to the wall where the switch is. As soon as I got over there, he went on a looooong verbal rampage bout how bad he "hates the fan"...and it "should be warm"...and that the gym in "not a funhouse". I'm thinkin...."Okay...this is a little much...just say 'NO'..." So...I did not turn the fan on. Sweating seemed like a more pleasant alternative. And...needless to say, we did agree on one thing...it was not feeling like a fun house at all!
A few minutes later...J asks, "Oh, you didn't turn the fan on?". I said, "No. It was upsetting you." and then I said jokingly in a really dramatic voice.."It's ooookay....don't worry about ME...I'll just suffer in the heat." He said "Now that's a good attitude!" Oh brother! Then he went on about how I could get a box fan and all kind of other stuff. One of the people in there said, "It IS hot in here." J responded with a joke about how he was gonna tear the fans down and put heat lamps up instead...to which I said, "Good! Do it! I'll have all kind of clients hanging out trainin with me and my box fan!" I let go of the bar and looked around and said, "See people! If you want a fan! You need to come train with me!" We all laughed as we were just kidding! But SERIOUSLY...who knew that a fan could stir such emotion! There's never a dull moment at the gym...it's great to work with your friends!
45 LBS X 10 (warmup)
65 LBS X 5
85 LBS X 5
105 LBS X 5
120 LBS X 5
127.2 LBS X 5 X 3
45 LBS X 5
55 LBS X 5
65 LBS X 5
70 LBS X 5
75 LBS X 5 X 3 (1 FAIL)
95 LBS X 5
135 LBS X 5
155 LBS X 5
185 LBS X 5
205 LBS X 5
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