Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 497...i nEvEr LiStEn...

I'm not a middle of the road kinda gal.  I take my time...worry...before I make a decision...but once I decide to do something...I'm a grab the bull by the horns kinda person...all or nothing...full throttle.  When I was fat...I ate to excess...I never worked out.  Now...I tend to workout in excess.  My addiction didn't go morphed into something else.

I push myself...hard...every day.  I never slow down.  I don't take the time I need to recover from the stress I put my body through daily.  I feel like rest is for wimps...but I know that rest (in the right amount) is for smart people that don't want to injure and over train their bodies.

I have been feeling strong...making gains...but today I feel worn out...broken...used up.  I tried to workout, but my body just wouldn't allow it. scares me not to workout, so I "compromised" with my body.  I put away the heavy weight and decided on an easy 3 mile run.  In the shape I'm in...there was nothing easy about it!  It was awful and slow and extremely painful from start to finish.  I'm glad that I did something because then I won't mentally beat myself up all day...but I really wish I could learn to listen to my body when it tells me to slow take a rest.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 496...mAkiN tiMe tO wOrKoUt...

Today was one of "those days" when it would be so easy to say, "I workout every day.  I have a lot to do.  I don't have time, so I'll skip it."  That is such a dangerous attitude.  The fact is, it is never really convenient to workout.  We can all find things that we could be doing during the time we are in the gym.

I had a doctor's appointment and a client, JE to train midday.  I wasn't sure how I would do it, but I was determined that once I got kids off to school...I would workout...get ready...and be everywhere I needed to be...on time even (BIG feat for ME).  I went to the gym and decided to do the same WOD (workout of the day) as the group classes.  I knew it was gonna be hard when I saw how long it took even the fastest and strongest of us all.  I was worried that I may not have time to do anything else, but no matter what I was gonna do that WOD.

It was full of complicated movements done with ONLY one arm at a time.  I warmed up, hit the stopwatch and started working.  It was hard from the start, but it did feel different...better with my new weightlifting shoes on.  I noticed how much more solid I felt on my "landings".  It was a struggle...I was soaking wet with sweat...and I grunted and yelled throughout the entire workout...buuuut...I finished with a pretty fast time...a few seconds faster than R even!

It was really hard, but it was also very satisfying.  I felt strong and no matter what situation I encounter...I can take care of myself.  It was painful and stretched me...but I am glad that made the time to workout.

10 (ea ARM) SINGLE ARM BARBELL PUSHPRESS (holding bar perpindicular to body- 35 LB bar)


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 495...wEiGhTLiFtiNg sHoEs aNd hAnDsTaNds...

I was so excited to go to the gym. I got my brand new weightlifting shoes yesterday afternoon that I have been anxiously awaiting. I was so excited that I wore them around my house for an hour last night. I knew they would help me feel more stable, but I had NO idea just how huge the difference would be! I tried a Push jerk and I have never had such a solid landing. Then, I started my Back Squats. I was amazed and I was able to go up yet another 10 lbs this time on my workset.

My squats went well and then I decided to do some Deadlifts and come back up to the gym later when J was there so he could help "spot" my bench presses.  I did my warm up sets...95 lbs...135 lbs...155 lbs...185 lbs.  I was surprised at how difficult 185 lbs was for me today.  I have steadily increased my weight each time...and I love to do Dead Lifts.  I did 210 lbs 5 days ago and 205 lbs  just a few days ago.  Today, I could not move 205 lbs off the ground...not even once.  That was discouraging, but I soon forgot all about my failure when my sister came in to meet me for lunch.  I decided to try doing a handstand against the wall.  I have been working on these with R.  He's been so sweet and so patient.  I have been scared and awkward.  I tried 3 times and then it happened!  I ended up in the handstand position against the wall!  I FINALLY did it!!!   ALL BY MYSELF!!!  I was thrilled..and I couldn't stop.  I did it about 5 more times before leaving for lunch.
After lunch I went back to try again on the Dead Lifts and to do Bench Presses with J's help.  I was still unable to do Dead Lifts.  WTF?!?  I am so confused as to what happened, but I moved on to Bench Pressing.  J hurt himself and was in bad shape.  I didn't want him lifting the bar so I was trying to struggle it off...needless to say...that didn't go so well.  When I was finally done at the gym, I went to the park and finished off my day of working out with a run.  Things didn't go quite as planned...and I had a few failures...but nothing can bring me down after getting my shoes and doing some handstands!
45 LBS X 10 (WARMUP)
65 LBS X 5
95 LBS X 5
120 LBS X 5
135 LBS X 5 X 3

45 LBS X 10
65 LBS X 5
85 LBS X 5
95 LBS X 5
100 LBS X 3 (AGAIN-FAIL @ 4)
95 LBS X 5

95 LBS X 5
135 LBS X 5
155 LBS X 5
185 LBS X 5
205 LBS (FAIL)
200 LBS (FAIL)
195 LBS X 3 (FAIL @ 4-GAVE UP)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 494...a LiL sOmEtHiN sOmEtHiN iS bEttEr tHaN nOtHin...

Well...the ice storm came along late last the kids were home from school and my hubby was home until about 11.  I made a big yummy breakfast and then planned to do some cardio here at home, before headin out to the gym around lunchtime.  It didn't quite work out as planned.  I was feelin sooo lazy....annnd my kids were here so I wanted to spend time with them.  We played around...and layed around and didn't even go out for some lunch until 1:30.  I was freaking out thinking that I may never get to workout.  That would be really stressful.  

You see...I just got some old "fat pics" from my sis the other day.  They remind me of how very sad I was when I was very uncomfortable I was...and how much I hated myself.  No one really has a true understanding of just how much I suffered.  It scares me and motivates me to get up everyday and do something. 

Once we got home, I intended to do some "long cardio"...30 min on the bike and 30 min on the elliptical...but my brothers stopped by.  Finally, I was able to workout...but all I had time for was 30 min on the elliptical and then I was late to get up to work.  I knew I should just get ready and go to work early, but mentally...I needed to do some sort of exercise.  I felt bad when I got to the gym 5 minutes before class and everyone was waiting outside on me.  As my friend, R would say..."FAIL!".  They were all sweet and we got started.  We had a really fun, full group and they worked hard.  I was feeling stressed when I got there...I left happy and feeling loved.  I say it all the time, but I just love the people up at the gym...they really make my life better.  

I didn't get to do what I wanted...but I did something...and I guess a lil "somethin somethin" is better than nothin!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 493...coLd aNd dEtErMiNeD...

It is freezing today...and when I say freezing...I mean it...literally and figuratively.  We are supposed to get some terrible ice storm.  It's been right around freezing temps with this crappy mist coming down all day.  I don't mind cold so much, but I do mind wet and dark.  

I woke up not knowing when exactly this storm would come.  I don't watch the stresses me out...ignorance is bliss...and ignorance can leave one not knowing how to plan one's day.  So I decided to get kids to school and go straight to the grocery store, because we had nothing and I didn't want to be iced in (possibly) and hungry too.  I also wanted to workout after the store...before the ice storm.  I got groceries and headed to meet J at the gym for "Starting Strength".  He had to run to a store for a few minutes just up the street so I moved our racks into place and was about to warm up when my 7th grader called to say school was letting out early today.  

She still had a couple of hours, but she wanted me to just get her.  I first said, "No."...then...I thought I would just "get it over with".  I texted J "B back n 25."  I went and checked her out and then I thought..."I should just get the other two kids from Elementary school now too and be done with the school thing for the day."  I did.  The 25 minutes that I was gonna be gone, turned into almost an hour and a half after getting all 3 kids, stopping at Sonic, grabbing a bite to eat and heading back up to the gym.  I was determined that no matter what, I was going back to that gym and lifting some weight!  I got back just as J was leaving.  J was havin one of those days that we all have in the gym from time to time.  The kind where you just struggle and you eventually know it's time to just cut your losses for the day and start fresh tomorrow.

I warmed up and started my back squats.  I felt really strong.  I did 130 lbs...5 reps...for 3 sets...and it felt pretty easy.  I decided that rather than doing my regular worksets for shoulder press, I would do my 1 RM since that's what everyone else did yesterday.  Last time I did it, I think I got 80 or 85lbs.  I was really hoping to hit 100 today.  I got up to 95 lbs.  It was hard, but I felt I had more in me.  I tried 98lbs...FAIL.  I waited and tried 96 lbs...FAIL.  That was pretty disappointing to me, but I can't complain.  I did press more weight than last time.  I then did my power cleans.  I used 100 lbs for my 3 rep/5 worksets.  I'm a little frustrated because I keep "curling" the bar rather than letting it land in the right the same time...I have to be happy about the fact that I couldn't even power clean 95 lbs one time a month ago.  I'll just keep on tryin to improve.  

So...I did it!  I was worried a few times that I may never make it to the gym, but I stayed determined...and I got there despite the weather.

45 LBS X 10
65 LBS X 5
95 LBS X 5
120 LBS X 5
130 LBS X 5 X 3

45 LBS X 10
65 LBS X 1
75 LBS X 1
85 LBS X 1
90 LBS X 1
95 LBS X 1
98 LBS X 1 (FAIL)
96 LBS X 1 (FAIL)
1 RM=95 LBS

75 LBS X 3 X 2
85 LBS X 3
95 LBS X 3
100 LBS X 3 X 5

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 492...dEfLaTeD...

For workout never "happened" today.  I'm still so sore from Saturday's workout.  I wanted to do...something, but I covered the 6AM group and then I had a "freebie...come try me out" session a couple of hours later.  Then there were people moving a large safe out and I wasn't sure if I should stay or I stayed and just worked on my computer.  After that it was off to catch some "fake sunshine" in the tanning bed and lunch with my lil Sis...a visit with an old friend and her baby...and BACK to the gym for a one on one sesh...and then I covered the 5:30 group for Jared so he could go to a firefighting meeting of some sort.  I didn't get home until after 7.  It was a long day!  

I hadn't even seen my kids so they were all hugs and happy to see me.  That was nice.  I needed those hugs.  I left my house full of hope...excitement...feeling wanted.  I came home feeling like a deflated balloon.  I was pretty bummed all day, but my Sis was the only one that I told...oh yeah...I mentioned it to J, but he didn't get the same details that K got.  I smiled and laughed on the outside even though I was super sad inside.

I thought that an opportunity had arisen that was a sign that I really am good at what I do...but...sometimes opportunities don't end up the way we want them to.  I just wanted to be wanted for something...that has nothing to do with appearances.  I wanted to feel respected and  Guess we can't always have what we want...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 493...i'M nOt sPeCiaL...

I don't really like going up to the elementary school.  I go for lunches with the kids...mandatory room mom meetings...parent/teacher conferences...spelling bees...and awards ceremonies.  I only go when I need to, because I never feel like I fit in with all the "PTA Mommies".  I don't think of myself as better...just different.  I always find it amazing how mean some of those Moms are.  I never think a thing about how people are dressed...but every time I show up in workout would not believe the stares I get...and not just from a few Dads...mostly from the Moms.  You would think I'm walking the halls in a thong and tube top rather than some tight workout pants and a tank.  It sounds dramatic, but it really is unreal!

So I was up at school on Friday for my daughter's 4th grade awards ceremony...sporting workout clothes since I was headed to the gym afterwards.  I did indeed workout afterwards and had just enough time to grab some lunch to take up to the school at noon for the pic nic that the kids with "outstanding behavior" get to have with their parents.  I checked in at the office and said "Hello" to a woman that has a daughter that has been in my daughter's class a couple of years in a row.  As we walked down the hall to find our kids, I caught her giving me the eye (up and down...up and down).  And then...she said, "You've been working out!'  I smiled and nodded, "Uh huh.".  Then she said it..."You're so lucky!  I wish I had the energy to workout.  You know some of us just don't have all that energy!"  

WTF?!?!  Okay...this woman is about my same age.  She is not tiny, but she is not overweight either.  So why do people think that I somehow have different "energy"???  I don't have anything special or different that she doesn't have.  Okay well maybe I have a few things.  I have desire... commitment... and will.  It is amazing to me that people think like they have no it's somehow easy for me.  It makes me sad that people forget how much control that they have.  What a waste!  I wish everyone could become aware of the power that lies within themselves.  I'm not special...I'm aware.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 492...jUsT kEEp tALkiN sMaCk...

We had a workout up at the gym this morning. It wasn't really one for NEW or POTENTIAL clients. It was just a casual workout for all the people that come to the group training classes. J was telling us about the workout.  He was explaining that after the first round, there would be a 3 minute rest before starting the second round.  I was talkin ALL kinda smack! "They don't need rest between the two rounds!" "I'll do it without rest!...and do it faster!" The guys were laughin at me. We had to start in groups of twos because there are only two rowing machines and 1000M Row was the first part of the workout.

That freakin rowing machine is so unforgiving! It just drains everything right out of you. So to then do Thrusters right after...and then Squats...etc etc etc...was really hard! I shut that smack talkin attitude right down! Amazing how some intensity can humble even the cockiest person! I was LOVING...NEEDING that rest when it came! It was hard, but in the end...when it was all said and done...I had a great time...lots of fun!

A new guy that wants me to train him came by. I'm seriously baffled as to why a strong guy...a SWAT guy...would choose ME! I guess I better live up to the idea that he has about me! I am excited for the challenge, but truth be told...a part of me is a little scared...intimidated...but at the same time...I KNOW I can do a good job...and I will.

My legs are already starting to get really sore so I should be sufficiently "crippled" tomorrow. Good times!

1000 M ROW
*NEGATIVE SPLIT ON SECOND ROUND-50 BURPEE PENALTY IF NOT NEGATIVE SPLIT! (this means if your 2nd round takes longer than the first, you get a penalty)

35:10 (including 4 min rest/waiting on rower an extra min) It took me 1 minute longer to do the second round so I guess I'll be doing 50 BURPEES!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 491...nOt a "fUnHoUsE" aT aLL...

J and I usually get along very well.  Today was no exception...but I was feeling a little frustrated at one point.  I went in to do "Starting Strength" with him and a man was painting the wall that we just got repaired from when the new bigger pull up bars.  It was really strong.  I asked him If I could turn the fan on because I was closest to the painted wall and it was so strong it was hurting my head.  He reluctantly agreed.  You see...J hates the ceiling fan!  About halfway through, he went and turned it off because he said he "couldn't handle it anymore".  I was fine.

I was still trying to finish my Dead Lifts when the 5:30 group was coming in.  I was sweating because I was far enough along that I was lifting heavy.  I said, "I'm sorry, J...but seriously...can I just turn this fan on for a few minutes until I'm done?"   He grimaced, but I assumed he'd say "OK" and started walking to the wall where the switch is.  As soon as I got over there, he went on a looooong verbal rampage bout how bad he "hates the fan"...and it "should be warm"...and that the gym in "not a funhouse".  I'm thinkin...."Okay...this is a little much...just say 'NO'..."  So...I did not turn the fan on.  Sweating seemed like a more pleasant alternative.  And...needless to say, we did agree on one was not feeling like a fun house at all!
A few minutes later...J asks, "Oh, you didn't turn the fan on?".  I said, "No.  It was upsetting you."  and then I said jokingly in a really dramatic voice.."It's ooookay....don't worry about ME...I'll just suffer in the heat."  He said "Now that's a good attitude!"  Oh brother!  Then he went on about how I could get a box fan and all kind of other stuff.  One of the people in there said, "It IS hot in here."  J responded with a joke about how he was gonna tear the fans down and put heat lamps up which I said, "Good!  Do it!  I'll have all kind of clients hanging out trainin with me and my box fan!"  I let go of the bar and looked around and said, "See people!  If you want a fan!  You need to come train with me!"   We all laughed as we were just kidding!  But SERIOUSLY...who knew that a fan could stir such emotion!   There's never a dull moment at the's great to work with your friends!

45 LBS X 10 (warmup)
65 LBS X 5
85 LBS X 5
105 LBS X 5
120 LBS X 5
127.2 LBS X 5 X 3

45 LBS X 5
55 LBS X 5
65 LBS X 5
70 LBS X 5
75 LBS X 5 X 3 (1 FAIL)

95 LBS X 5
135 LBS X 5
155 LBS X 5
185 LBS X 5
205 LBS X 5

Thursday, January 22, 2009

...FiReFiGhTeRs rOcK!...

My friend, J is a firefighter...NO...this is not a picture of him...or any of the other firefighters I know!  But, I figure..hey!  nothin wrong with adding a little "eye candy" to today's post!   Anyways...lots of the fireman in town...especially the ones from the station right down the street come in and either participate in group training or join me and J occasionally for an impromptu workout.  They are all such great guys and I really like them all.  The "class" that I am now in charge of has 2 firefighters in it...L and B.  

Normally, we meet at 8:30 for this "class", but L had somewhere he needed to be and so we moved it down a couple of hours.  Once I dropped my oldest daughter off at school, I decided to just go to the gym and get my workout in before they got there.  I chose a workout off the Navy SEALS site.  It looked long and hard, but I had an hour and a half so I got busy.  It was as brutal as I expected...maybe more...but I finished it and collapsed on the floor in my usual sweaty...pained state after a workout such as this one.  I was SO hot!  My face was beat red and I was breathing heavy!  Not more than a couple of minutes later...I became cold...very cold.  "This is strange!", I thought.  Even my hands were cold!  I got up feeling really dizzy and went over to the couch to lay down and eat a Zone bar.  I had been there for about 10 minutes when L arrived.  I guess I looked crazy, because he immediately said, "What's wrong?".  I told him how I was feeling and sat up and touched him with my ice cold hands to show him what I was talking about.  He said "Lay down.  Put your feet up."  I went to lay back down where I had been and he said, "No.  Lay on the floor and put your feet up on the couch."  I did.  Soon...probably 5 minutes later...I was starting to feel more normal...and within 10 minutes, I was just fine and I was able to cover my class without any trouble.

I sure am glad that L came in and told me what to do.  How lucky am I?  I had a paramedic/fireman right there to "save the day"...just when I needed it!..and that's why I say...
"Firefighters ROCK!!!"  
Thanks L!
Sorry! I couldn't resist adding JUST one more little "treat"! ;D

21, 15, 9
21, 15, 9

FOR TIME (continuously running clock) 47:27

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 490..."yEaH, i'M sTrOnGeR bUt i'M hUnGrY tOO!"

Well, I should not do Starting Strength lifts two days in a row...buuuut...I got off track and I wanted to get back on so even though I lifted just last night...I got up and did it again this morning.  I expected to struggle.  I was prepared to not be able go up in weight.  This was not the case.

I decided to do my 1 RM on Back Squat since I did work sets last night.  My previous "PR" was 165.  Today I lifted 175!!!  I also lifted 177.2, but my form went so crazy at the end that I didn't count it.  Seriously!  I am so happy about that!  I moved on to Power Cleans...something I struggle with and don't like.  Last week I did my 5 work sets at 87.2 lbs, and it was a challenge.  Today I used 97.2 lbs and it wasn't easy, but it also was not near as hard as I expected!  Then, I came back later on in the afternoon to do my bench pressing so that J could "spot" me.  Actually I just needed someone to help me lift the bar off the rack to get started.  Again...I did my work set with 7 lbs MORE than last week!  

It may seem like, I'm holding back and not pushing myself...not so.  Every time I lift, I use the most weight that I can possibly lift.  I usually can barely do the last lift or press towards the end of my work sets.  So, it is really amazing!  Coach Rippetoe has an amazing program.  So, I am really excited about the "gains" I'm making...but there's one little problem...

The problem is that I am hungry...all the time.  I feel like a teenage boy!  I never feel full and I am eating constantly.  Because of this...I am really afraid of gaining weight.  I'm not sure if I will ever be realistic and healthy when it comes to my fear of gaining weight.  I am so terribly afraid of ever being fat again.  So, I guess I'll have to start planning and preparing some heathy stuff to eat during the day, so that I'm not so uneasy about eating all day.

I don't say this too often...but...I am really proud of how hard I worked and how well I did in the gym today.

45 LBS X 10 (warm up)
65 LBS X 5
95 LBS X 3
135 LBS X 1
155 LBS X 1
170 LBS X 1
175 LBS X 1
177.2 LBS X 1 (form got all jacked up)

75 LBS X 3 X 2
85 LBS X 3
92.2 LBS X 3
97.2 LBS X 3 X 5

45 LBS X 10
65 LBS X 5
85 LBS X 5
92.2 LBS X 5
97.2 LBS X 5 X 3

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 489...stRoNg?...

Most people associate strength with muscles.  If a guy has big muscles...he must be strong...right?  So people go to the gym and they target certain muscles...biceps for example.  Most guys in the gym want big biceps so they look "strong"...they hang out by the dumbbells and never think to learn complicated Barbell movements or Olympic lifts.. Who needs em?...right?  The answer to that question is...everyone needs them.  Young or old...fat or thin...people wanting to excel in sports as well as the everyday person that wants to be "fit" matter who you can greatly benefit from working to improve your overall strength with a barbell and some plates.  

True strength is
not about how many inches around your bicep is or how sculpted your abs are.  Don't get me wrong...those things are not bad...but they are aesthetic.  It's okay to want to look good.  I do...but it's also important to be well rounded and strong.  

Strength is relative in my opinion.
What is strong for me, is not strong for Ronnie Coleman...and what's strong for Ronnie Coleman, is not strong for Mark Twight.

I've been doing Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength program for a short time...(this is my 3rd week).  I'm not strictly following the schedule of ONLY 3 days a week of lifting.  I do Crossfit workouts in between, but I am doing the 5 specific lifts (alternating-3 each time as he has designated)...3 days a week.  I was skeptical that I could do as Coach Rippetoe says and increase my weight every time I lift...but I have...and it works!  I feel and get stronger each time.  Am I lifting crazy amounts of weight???  No...but I am improving upon what I have been able to do in the past...and that makes me really happy.  
Just because I'm making steady doesn't mean that this is easy. It's hard. My back is just aching right now after doing Back Squats, Presses, and Dead Lifts. My legs were shaking and my form went to s*** on my last couple of deadlifts, but I did it.

65 LBS X 5
75 LBS X 5
95 LBS X 5
115 LBS X 5
125 LBS X 5 X 3


45 LBS X 5
55 LBS X 5
65 LBS X 5
70 LBS X 5
74.4 LBS X 5 X 3


95 LBS X 5
135 LBS X 5
155 LBS X 5
185 LBS X 5
210 LBS X 5

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 488...mUcH nEEdEd tHaNkS...

I struggle with my confidence.  My defense mechanism has always been to act aloof and strong.  I pretend that I don't care, but I do.  I care A LOT.  Sometimes, I feel like I can't really be a good trainer at work, because I worry about whether or not people actually respect or appreciate me.  I know they like me...but I don't always know if they really feel like they learn from me...or if THEY even think I'm qualified to train them.  

J and I have very different styles.  I like to show people things and correct them, but at some point...I step back and let them do THEIR best.  I don't do a lot of yelling and while I want them to have "perfect" form...I don't want to correct them until they are discouraged.  J is VERY confident.  He jokes with people and has no problem correcting and motivating.  This is NOT to say he is not nice to everyone...he's just different.  J never second guesses himself.  Many days I wish I could exude the same confidence the he does.

I was covering the 6AM, 8:30 AM, and 5:30PM group training classes today.  The workout included Power Cleans.  There were a few of the guys that had NEVER done a Power Clean and I worried about my ability to teach them a complicated movement in a short period of time.  The 6AM class did really well considering they have never done anything like this...but honestly...I knew they didn't really know enough to question my abilities.  At 8:30, I had my husband and L.  My husband learned the basic movement.  He has things he needs to work on, but I thought he did really well.  L already knows how to do Power Cleans.  He just needs "coaching" to perfect his form.  L never makes me feel insecure so I enjoy teaching him.

So, the day was going pretty well.  After I taught the first 2 classes.  I did the workout myself.  I personally felt much better and much stronger today.  I did several Power Cleans...fairly easily...with 95 lbs.  A couple of weeks ago, I couldn't do that so I was really happy about that.  I did the same workout as the boys and did it pretty fast.  My collarbone is sore and bruised from the force of the bar landing each time...and my thighs are bruised where the bar is supposed to hit, but I still felt good about how well my Power Cleans are coming along.

I went to breakfast with my husband and little boy and while I was there I got a message from the guy that has been visiting from California, SD...(the one I "dogged" on...still feel bad about that).  He asked if I would come up and open the gym around noon so he could workout before he had to fly out this afternoon.  I called him back and agreed.  After breakfast, I ran at the park and then went back to the gym.  When he came, he wasn't excited to do Power Cleans.  So I watched him warm up and offered him some corrections.  I expected him to blow me off...but he listened, and tried, and improved.  When I complimented his improvements...he thanked me!!!  He told me that he appreciated what I told him and that it felt much better.  Before he left, he thanked me again and asked me about my weight loss that's mentioned in my bio online.  I told him "my story" and he said, "Wow!  That is so great.  I couldn't believe it when I read that because you look amazing!!!"  Okay...did I say he bugged me last week?!?!...because I take it ALL back after that!  ha ha ha!

At the 5:30 class, I once again went over Power Cleans.  I watched the guys and gave suggestions.  One guy, CB, has always made me a little nervous.  I have always felt like he thinks I'm a joke...just the T&A of the gym...he's never said or outright done anything to indicate that...once again, I'm sure it's my own it's always hard for me to teach him and feel confident.  I gave him some coaching anyway, and again he listened.  After the workout he said, "I didn't think I could clean that much weight...that many times, but with your help and using better was so much easier than it has been for me in the past.  That was great.  Thank you."  

My confidence was really boosted today.  I realized that I DO have a lot to offer and I was reminded that it is important for me help EVERYONE...not just brand new people.  I appreciated the kind remarks and the thanks that I received today.  I really needed to hear it...not because I want to feel important...but because I needed confirmation that I am doing a good job.  So, to all the guys that listened, and improved, and were gracious enough to thank me..."Thank You!  It was my pleasure!"




Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 487...fAt giRL...

"Everbody fat girl has her own fat story. There are different ways fat folks get fat and lose fat and stay fat.

The world is full of thin women who behind flat stomachs shelter fat girls. You can tell who those women are who give refuge to a fat girl. When they see the buffet table they square their shoulders. They ready for combat with Virginia baked ham, sweet potato souffle and those puffy dinner rolls with butter and a three-layer chocolate mousse cake.

Food is the enemy. Food is also the mother, the father, the warm hearted lover, the house built of red brick that not even the wolf can blow down."  excerpt from "Fat Girl: A True Story" by Judith Moore

I am a fat in a fit with a flat stomach...and that fits into a size 4 and turns heads.  I lost 70lbs  5 years ago.  It took me a year...a year of hard work and sacrifice.  There was no surgery.  There were no pills.   Other fat girls...they think I don't understand...that I have no concept of the challenges they face and the suffering that they endure...but I do.

We went to dinner and the movie "Bride Wars" with our friends last night.  My friend, SD is beautiful and thin...the kind of thin that makes you think that she was born that way...that she has never had to worry about food.  In the movie, there was a GREAT quote about ex-fat girls...somethin like "Here's to Splenda and ex-chubby girls!".   My friend and I laughed and looked at each other and gave a "knuckle pound" because we are BOTH "ex-chubby girls".  You'd never know it looking at us but we were both 200+ pounds in the past.  

Somedays I am strong and I make good choices.  Other days...I feel like the fat girl inside me takes over and I eat things I shouldn't and I feel insecure.  Yesterday I crammed a cupcake in my mouth and I regretted it for the rest of the day.  I worked out hard yesterday...I always do...and one cupcake on one day won't make me fat...but I still get mad at myself because I feel like I've I've let the old me take charge of the new me. 

It's amazing to me that even after all these years, being thin is not second nature to me.  I have to make a conscious effort every day to maintain the progress that I have made over the years.  So, I'm raising my glass of H2O and toasting to "Splenda and ex fat girls"!  Cheers!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 486...qUeeN gOrGo...

Most of us at the gym all love the movie "300". It's not uncommon for someone to yell "Tonight we dine in hell!" during a workout or for R to refer to himself as Leonidas or to tell me "Cmon!  Let's go King Leonidas on this!"

Today we had another round of free classes at the gym so that people could bring friends and family in to check out what we do there or for people that visit to our website to be able to come in and experience a little "dose" of Crossfit style workouts.  Many times we have to split into teams and do team workouts because there are too many people there.  I was in workout clothes, but normally J and I help the unexperienced people with movements, keep time, or do whatever else it is that needs to be done.  Soooo, I wasn't planning on working out at that time, but the teams were not equal so J asked me to join one of the teams.

I love to compete with the boys...I usually don't win but I bust my butt to keep up...and I do.  I especially love to compete with R.  We love to tease each other and talk smack during workouts.  We each motivate the other to go a little harder...a little faster...and a little further...and we have fun doing it.  When we are in teams we are not in direct competition, but still we were ribbing each other.  Today at one point I pulled my team over to share my SECRET strategy.  We were huddled and I'm spelling it out when R (NOT on my team) says, "Hey thanks MC!"  He had been in the circle the whole time and I didn't even see that brat!  We were laughing so hard.  Then I yelled out that our strategy was to do 25 each (not so, but it tricked em).  When I was on swing 45...R said "Wait a minute!  You are doing WAY MORE than 25 swings!"  I said, "I know."  R said, "But you said.."  I cut him off and yelled, "I lied!"  When I was complaining about how bad my forearms were burning he's like "Oh cmon!  You are the Queen from 300!  You can do it!"  Then I said, "What was her name?"  He said, "I don't know."  I said "Me neither but she was tough...and she was HOT!  Okay...I'll be THE QUEEN! Cmon Leonidas! Let's do this!!!" and we did...even though we were on separate teams.

I had so much fun today...working with my friends...and meeting new people...and channeling Queen Gorgo during my workout!
FIRE HOSE DRAG AND PULL ACROSS PARKING LOT FOR 12 MINUTES (one team member at a time...adding together how many times we went across)


ROW FOR 12 MIN (one team member at a time (rotating every minute)-score is total meters rowed in the 12 minutes)


KETTLE BELL SWINGS (2 team members at a time-score is total # of swing that everyone gets added together)


Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 485...cRoCheTeD pAnTieS...

I have had some strange titles this week. I don't think they make one bit of sense or are funny to anyone other than me, but Hey...this is my life and that's what I'm here to talk about...

I am really tired. I've worked really hard this week in the gym, but I have also had some really good times with the guys and I have had A LOT of laughs. We are havin a couple of "FREE" workouts at the gym tomorrow, so I decided to take today as a "Rest Day". That way, I'll be fresh tomorrow. So, I had to cover the 6AM group this morning. I got ready...and got to the gym at 5:45AM. I was expecting 2 of the newer guys, but when I got there...R was already there waiting in his truck. Soon after Ry came in...then S...then M (ONE of the two I was expecting). Normally, R, Ry, and S come in the evening, but sometimes people switch up.

Today was "Skills Practice"...we worked on the Push Jerk and then Dead Lifts. After, we worked up to a 5 rep work set of Dead Lifts. The guys were great...especially M. He's brand new and really working hard. So once we were done...M said "Good-bye" and left and S went back to take a shower. R, Ry, and I were chatting about nothing in particular while Ry waited for his turn in the shower. Once S came out and Ry headed back, I gathered my stuff and me and those two (R and S) headed for the door. It's real cold outside today so we all had coats on. S put a black crocheted scarf around his neck and proceeded to tell R and I how much he loves that scarf because one of his 5th grade students made it for him. We had a minute of small talk about how great it is to get gifts like that, and I jokingly said, "See! Y'all NEVER made ME anything like THAT!"  They laughed and R says, "Ok, MC...I'll crochet you some underwear." I laughed and said, "Great! Some crocheted panties!" He said, "Yeah...I'll come up here with a present and say 'Here's a thong I made for you!" I was laughing (we ALL were) and I said, "I'll go home and tell my husband 'LOOK HONEY! R crocheted me some panties!...and he'll say...'WHAT THE HELL?!?" We all laughed and I said "Good bye" to the boys as I got into my car still laughin. Some people may find this inappropriate...but it's just the way we couldn't script this stuff! So there's NO workout to report...just a silly story.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 484...fOrGiVe mE...

"Lord, I apologize for that right there, and please be with the starvin' pygmies down there in New Guinea, Amen," ~Larry the Cable Guy

Ok...sometimes I screw up...I will say that eventhough I screw up...I have NO PROBLEM admitting when I'm wrong or when I've made a mistake...and saying "sorry" is really important to me...

To the people that are IN my friends from various aspects of my life...and my may seem that I am really open to new people...that I just "spill my guts"...and let everybody right IN. Not so. I am VERY skeptical of most people I meet. I'm very cynical and I always expect the worst so that I'm not disappointed...I know...kinda weird. I always say that I have amazing intuition and I have learned to follow "my gut" over the years and it hardly ever steers me wrong. Every now and then...I'm wrong about a person. So, I feel the need to apologize to anyone that may read AND to the person that I was wrong about. Eventhough he will never see will make me feel better. I could've just gone back and erased what I had written, but that wouldn't be honest or true to this process. I mean what I say at the moment I type's just sometimes I change my mind later on.

Yesterday, I went on and on about how this guy that was visiting the gym was driving me crazy...and while I STILL find him to be a little obsessed with Crossfit...I shouldn't have been so quick to judge and dislike him. I don't even know him. You can only imagine how bad I felt when I looked at the gym website and this guy had left a comment "THANKING" me and Jared for welcoming him and giving him some extra instruction. I a a gossipy, judgmental bee-yotch when I read that. Ugh...why am I so flawed?

It's funny..I can say this because I have told them both about this in person... ("Shorty" will find this amusing) I really like R and B (the dynamic duo)...I think they are great guys! They are strong and funny and I always enjoy being around them...BUUUUT...I did NOT like them the first time I met them. In retrospect, I was feeling intimidated...but at the time...I convinced myself that they were annoying and I was determined NOT to like them. It only took a few visits for me to COMPLETELY change my mind. So this is not the first time I've judged too quickly. Please forgive me...I'll try hard to be better!Soooo...on to the workout today...J texted me this morning to tell me that he, and "the guy visiting" and a few of the firefighters we now were going to the gym to do a workout called "The Filthy Fifty". He invited me to join them, and of course...I COULDN'T RESIST! "The Filthy Fifty" is so hard, but it is actually one of my favorite Crossfit WODs. We were all feeling nervous...feeling "butterflies" before we started. The anticipation was INTENSE. We all struggled through, and it was the most intense "50" I've ever done, because normally I am's easy to stop when you are alone. This time I didn't want to look like a wussy in front of the boys. I used the same weight for KB Swings and Push Presses...I had to use less (16 lbs) on the Wall Balls because the 20 lbers were in use. It was so much different doing it with other people. Now...10 hours later...I'm already getting sore, but I'm glad they invited me up today.

50 BOX JUMPS (24 IN)
TIME: 37:15