Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 131...beTTer...

I feel...better today. I can't say I'm giggling and spreading sunshine and rainbows wherever I go, but I'm much better than I was last night. My workout went better too...I still struggled a bit with motivation...but I was definitely more focused than last night.

There's nothing exciting to report. The single arm KB swings were harder than I thought. They made my forearms burn. The burpees with a star jump were bee-yotches as usual, but I did them and with really good...really high jumps. The best part was that while I was talking to a trainer from my old gym, R, I decided to try climbing the rope and I almost made it all the way up. Yea! I got scared that I wouldn't be able to get down because my hands were hurting and I was tired so I stopped about 3/4 of the way up. It was a definite improvement. I guess all those "rope pulls" J has made me do are paying off. It took all I had to finish with KTEs and leg lifts, but I did them...the best I could.

I'm glad my workout is done for the day...but mostly I'm glad I feel better.

Elliptical 5 min
Rope Pulls 5 sets of 5!!!

Single Arm Swing 15# KB (50 EA ARM-Lower back,quads,glutes shoulders)
Froggies w/out hands on floor (50 upper lower abs, lower back)
Lat Rows in lunge position 20#KB (20 Lats,biceps,quads (isometric),abdominal (isometric)
Burpee w/ star jump at end (25 )
Arm Step ups (1 min)

Repeat 3 times

After done...25 knees to elbows and 25 leg lifts

40 min elliptical hills

The Killers-"Shadowplay"

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