We woke up later than we expected. Last year...I was up EVERY day at 6 or 7 to run. This year...I'm a sleepy head. I woke up around 9:30 but it was 10 before we got out of bed. We were planning on going to Art Cafe at 10...woops! Our kids love to go there and paint something every year. They paint, then we go back a few days later after it has been fired. They love seeing their creations turn shiny and come to "life". We hurried up and left by 11. It turned out to be perfect, because no sooner did we get there...and the rain started to fall. The kids had fun and then we ate at
The Frosty Frog...the place that we HAVE to eat at every year after we paint.

The sun came out and we headed to the beach. I get stressed at the beach when I think people are staring at me. I feel SO self conscious and I start picking myself apart. Do I look fat? Are my legs jiggly? Is my butt up high enough? Do I look okay??? There is always a group of guys that sit in a circle...all day...and stare...and comment as though I can't hear...every year...it's always different men...but the same story. We tend to see the same people all week. It's funny how people stake out "their spot" and return to it everyday. So, I'll have to contend with the stares...and smiles...and seeing them jab each other when I walk by...and the comments all week. My husband reminds me that it is not because I look bad. I TRY to remember that. Still...I kept thinking...I shoulda worked out today! We meant to go check out a gym down the street, but time never allowed. We stayed at the beach until later than normal because we decided that we would stay in to eat tonight. That gave us more freedom with our time because we didn't have anywhere that we had to be at any certain time. I know..I never cook at home yet I willingly offered to cook on vacation...strange, but true. So..to ease my worry over not working out...I decided to go run before dinner. I went home and changed into shorts and running shoes and went right back to the beach. It was a tough run with the wind blowing against me, but I'm glad that I went. Just when I thought I wasn't going to make it...I got a run in at the last minute.
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